

mediterranean eggplant and barley salad.

I know, I seems like forever since my last post! It's not like I haven't been cooking! My memory card is FULL of pictures of food that I've been dying to put on the blog, but my problem lately is finding the time. For those of you who know me, and know that I'm currently only working part time, I'm sure you're shaking your heads right now. And no...I don't have kids to take care of either. So really, I don't have a good excuse. I'm just starting to understand the phrase "there just isn't enough hours in the day". Being a wife and running a home is a lot more work than I ever imagined! Cook, clean, laundry, repeat. I feel like I have a list of things that I'd like to do (maybe not "like to", but should) and just when I get through my list, the fridge needs to be cleaned again, so I start right back at the top of my list. Props to all of you who are doing this all while you take care of your kids and work full-time...or even run your own!

I was expressing this sentiment to a co-worker just the other day. My friend Helen and I have been lucky enough to be working together the last couple of months, and during one of our daily rants, we were discussing how we felt like we can't keep up with our own lives. Helen is one of those people that just can't say no, and thus works two jobs, always makes time for friends and family, and shows up to work everyday with AMAZING lunches!!!

Helen is a vegetarian and loves to experiment with recipes from various vegetarian food blogs. She brings something new and exciting to work everyday and I'm always amazed at the colours and smells packed into her Ziploc containers. Sadly, Helen had plans to move on to bigger and better things, and so we planned a little vegetarian potluck goodbye party for Helen. While my plan was to make something from her favourite food blog 101 Cookbooks I couldn't pass up the chance to make this recipe. I discovered this recipe on one of my favourite foodie blogs Smitten Kitchen and I followed it to a T (something new for me). My initial reaction when I read the ingredient list was that there was WAY too many flavour combinations going on, but just works! A shout out to Deb at Smitten Kitchen for this amazing was a hit!

Mediterranean Eggplant and Barley Salad
Makes 4 (main course) or 8 (side dish) servings

- (1 1/2) lb eggplant, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
- (3/4) lb zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
- (10) tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- (1) teaspoon salt
- (1) teaspoon black pepper
- (1) cup chopped green onion (from 1 bunch)
- (1 1/2) teaspoons ground cumin
- (1/2) teaspoon ground coriander
- (1/4) teaspoon cayenne
- (1 1/4) cups pearl barley (8 oz)
- (1) 14-oz can reduced-sodium vegetable or chicken broth (1 3/4 cups)
- (3/4) cup water
- (2) tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- (1) garlic clove, minced
- (1/4) teaspoon sugar
- (1/2) lb cherry tomatoes, quartered
- (1/3) cup Kalamata or other brine-cured black olives, pitted and halved
- (1/2) cup thinly sliced red onion, rinsed and drained if desired
- (1) cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
- (1/2) cup chopped fresh mint

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Cut up the eggplant and zucchini into small cubes. Toss with 5 tablespoons of oil, 3/4 teaspoon salt and 3/4 teaspoon pepper in a large bowl. Spread evenly into 2 oiled large shallow baking pans. Roast vegetables in oven, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are golden brown and tender, 20 to 25 minutes total. Remove from oven and combine vegetables into one pan to cool, reserving other pan for cooling barley.

Meanwhile, heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large pot over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking. Add green onions, cumin, corriander and cayenne, stirring until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add barley and cook, stiring until well coated with oil, 2 minutes more.

Add broth and water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, until all of the liquid is absorbed and barley is tender, about 30 to 40 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, for another 5 minutes. Transfer to the reserved baking pan and spread to quickly cool, uncovered, to room temperature, about 20 minutes.

Now it's time to put together the dressing. Whisk together lemon juice, garlic, sugar, remaining 1/4 teaspoon of pepper,  and 3 tablespoons of oil in bowl. Set aside.

To assemble the salad, combine cooled barley, roasted vegetables, tomatoes, olives, onions, mint and parsley into a large bowl. Pour the dressing on top and toss until combined well.

Feel free to make this salad a day a head of time, this will give all the flavours a chance to mingle. Cover and chill overnight, but make sure to bring it up to room temperature before serving.


1 comment:

  1. Awww Linds!! I am tearing up over here. You are also an amazing multi-tasking woman. Thanks for organizing such an amazing potluck and sharing this delicious salad. It does taste as good as it looks! xo
    p.s. i miss our daily chats dearly!
